Sunday, April 22, 2012

Solo: To Be One


Solo: to be one. True or not?

The world looks at one as odd if one is doing the opposite of others.

Everyone stands on two feet and walks with one foot in front of the other. True or not?

While taking a picture, I saw four, maybe six. photographers or picture takers all doing the same.  I decided to lie down and see what the artist was trying to create in his art work.

As I walked away and turned back to take another look, I saw that those picture takers were NOW, too,  lying down on the floor taking the photo from another point of view. That just made me smile and laugh!

Another man's treasure says a lot.  Although outsiders were laughing as this man made his art, he pushed forward with all his heart. Today the question is: does he who laughs last, laugh louder or laugh better?

I laugh to see all those people enjoy what a “crazy” man did.  He was not, after all, crazy; he was a visionary who saw what others were blind to.

To treat people as equal is to enjoy what they offer, rich or poor. The gift of being is priceless. I see it in the treasure of art.

Onto my next stop down the NESW highway to find a million dog ears … LOL!

Monday, April 9, 2012

In The Wind


Butterfly and California Poppy and the warmth of the sun

Mother Nature never lies: what you see is what you get.

The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yesterday was a great day to learn about being free.

The sun and wind made for great walking and photo taking. The humming bird had ADHD, and the butterflies were enjoying the nectar of the flowers.

The path of joy is taking a walk with your heart open to the beauty that surrounds us.

The Never Eat Soggy Waffles highway never lets me down.

Jack-O at Five is on the path.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Flora and Fauna


The day was so long knowing that this was the day my camera would be home.  It had been a very long week!

Once my camera got here, I couldn't wait to meet with Flora and Fauna.  It had been two weeks since we last saw each other.

It seemed like a lifetime as I drove at seventy miles per hour so I could test the new shutter on the camera.

I longed for a day out with my old friend.  And, with a click of the shutter, we were off and shooting … and shooting we did.

The day could not end without sushi and tea.

This weekend on the NESW highway will be great.  The laughter and the joy are back, and I look forward to seeing more of Flora and Fauna this weekend!